Initially Lucy is not pleased to see her mother, but eventually
comes around and agree's to return with Val to Knots Landing.

Lucy meets the Fairgates!

Val wants Lucy to move to Knots Landing for good!!! In this
scene she is introducing Lucy to Kenny and Ginger Ward. Val hopes Kenny's job as a record producer will interest Lucy.

Lucy and Valene hug after Lucy talks her mother into leaving
Gary and returning to Dallas with her. Val does not want to leave, but her love for her daughter takes over.

Valene gets Lucy to stop at the ocean, one last time as they
are heading to the airport. After a talk with Sid, Gary leaves work hoping to join them, and does.

Lucy, Gary and Val come to terms with what has happened and
what is best for them all. Lucy returns to Dallas, never to return to Knots Landing. Gary and Val do return to Dallas to see
Lucy from time to time, most notably for her wedding to Mitch Cooper. Lucy will always try to find the love, the love she
did not get from her parents, and Gary and Val, the way they parented Lucy will haunt them always.